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In 2004, rumors about the end of his career were announced after the release of Encore. 'Lose Yourself' would become the single that for the longest time occupied the top spot of the hip-hop charts. In 2003, he won an Oscar for Best Original Song with ' Lose Yourself.' That song was featured in his film called 8 Mile. This made him the first artist to win the Best Rap Album of the Year award three times in a row. The Marshall Mathers LP and his fourth album, The Eminem Show, also won the Grammy Awards. This made him known around the world, and helped publicize his record label, Shady Records, and his group, D12. His next work, The Marshall Mathers LP, became the best-selling solo album in U.S.

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He gained rapid popularity in 1999 with the release of the album The Slim Shady LP, which won the Grammy Award for Best Rap Album that year. Marshall Bruce Mathers III (born October 17, 1972), better known by his stage name Eminem, is an American rapper, songwriter, record producer, and actor.

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